LIMO offers a scalable structure and full compatibility with ROS, making it ideal for projects involving autonomous navigation. This mobile robot is excellently suited for students across various disciplines, including robotics engineering, electrical engineering, and computing. It also serves as an ideal platform for robotics challenges, providing a practical and engaging experience in robotics applications.

Four-wheel Differential Steering Mode

Effortlessly navigates across diverse terrains, from smooth concrete to sandy roads. Its adaptability makes it an excellent tool for developers exploring various applications, providing reliable performance on any surface.

Support ROS and Gazebo

The LIMO mobile robot easily connects to open-source ROS (1 and 2) and the Gazebo simulator. This connection provides access to a wide range of free demos and sample programs for developing your own artificial intelligence.

Autonomous Navigation Applications

LIMO opens up a world of possibilities in autonomous navigation, offering features such as:

  • Independent mapping
  • Autonomous navigation
  • Effective obstacle avoidance and route planning
  • Advanced Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM and V-SLAM)

Simulation Table

LIMO includes a specially designed simulation table, providing a fun and convenient way to quickly simulate and test your model applications in realistic scenarios. This feature enhances the user experience, making development and experimentation both efficient and engaging.

ROS System Training

Our course provides a thorough ROS system training platform accompanied by extensive materials. This includes detailed guides, study resources, engaging teaching presentations, and practical code samples, all designed to simplify both teaching and learning experiences.